This is an introductory course aimed at understanding the evolution of the field of Psychology.
PHYS 200 – From Particles to Galaxies
This course is a non-mathematical introduction to cutting-edge physics.
THEO 353 – Theology and Bioethics
This course presents major frameworks for examining issues in bioethics and explores case studies to familiarize students with ethical issues in the biomedical context. Ethical issues in health care and research involving human subjects in light of a theological perspective on life, death and moral existence are explored.
SOCI 280 – Debates and Challenges of Contemporary Quebec
The aim of the course is to better understand this complex society. Students will get sense of Quebec’s history, a basic knowledge of provincial social policies, information pertaining to identity issues, and key concepts which are useful to anyone who aims to live and work in Montreal.
PSYC 315 – Statistical Analysis I
In this course you will learn how to use statistics to support reasoning about research in psychology.
PSYC 200 – Introductory Psychology
This comprehensive survey course introduces the student to a wide variety of topics in scientific psychology. Topics include the foundations of modern psychology, neural mechanisms, learning and memory, sensation and perception, motivation and emotion, cognitive processes, social influences, personality, disorders of cognition and behaviour, and therapy.
PHYS 205 – Electricity and Magnetism
The students will be exposed to concepts and principles related to Electric Fields, Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance and Dielectrics, Current and Resistance, Direct Current Circuits, Magnetic Fields, Sources of Magnetic Field, Faraday’s Law, Inductance, Alternating Current Circuits, Electromagnetic waves.
PHYS 204 – Mechanics
This course is about kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, statics, dynamics, conservation of momentum and energy, rotational motion, and periodic motion.
MARA 365 – The Culture and Civilization of the Arab World: The Golden Age
This course provides an overview of the Arab civilization during its "Golden Age" (VIIth-XIIIth c.). Topics include history, sciences, arts, philosophy and literature.
INTE 398 – Contemporary Topics in Canadian Politics I
This course provides a basic introduction to Canadian society and the Canadian political system. It begins by presenting an overview of Canadian society, government and the political process.